On this page you can find legal information pertaining to Kazakhstan visas, consular affairs or other matters.
In general, the titles of regulations and updates on changes can be looked up in the online version of private legal database Paragraph. However, actual regulations can only be obtained either by paying with sms from Kazakhstan cell phone to Paragraph or downloading from actual purchased software under the same name. However, most of documents are in Kazakh or Russian.
A free of charge online source of Kazakhstan laws and regulations is the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan legal database. Some documents (major laws) are available in English. In general, you can find the same information free of charge as in Paragraph but we found that Paragraph often updates the newest legislation a little bit quicker than in the official Ministry of Justice database.
If you want another free legal database,then this link in Pavlodar city has database of over 4000 Russian only regulations but in general it has less content than the above Paragraph and Ministry of Justice databases.
For your convenience, the following is the list and Russian and English (whenever available) downloads of all key regulations applicable to consular affairs:
"Code of a Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan" approved by President of Kazakhstan Decree # 217 dated 27 September 1999
"On Approal of Republic of Kazakhstan Visa Issuance Rules as Well As Extension and Reduction of Validity Terms" (New Visa Rules valid since April 2013) introduced by joint order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs dated 5 March 2013 # 08-1-1-1/71 and Minister of Internal Affairs dated 7 March 2013 # 175
"On Approval of Rules of Consular Legalization" introduced by Order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan dated 21 November 2000 # 264
"On Order of Discover of Documents Related to Protection of Rights and Lawful Interests of Citizens of Kazakhstan, Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons Via Entities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan" approved by joint order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan dated 22 May 2002 # 08-1/1 and Minister of Justice of Kazakhstan dated 28 June 2002 # 98
Republic of Kazakhstan Law "On Notaries Public"
Kishinev Convention dated 7 October 2002 "On Legal Aid and Legal Relations on Civil, Family and Criminal Cases"
Minsk Convention dated 22 January 1993 "Convention On Legal Aid and Legal Relations for Civil and Criminal Cases"
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